PC GamesTime Management ● Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

● Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World

Meet quirky new characters with the return of some old favorites in this Time-Management sequel.


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The loveable Quinn, world's top wedding planner, returns in the hit sequel Wedding Dash 2 ® to plan the most exclusive wedding of the year. Joining her is the famous Flo ® and Joe Wright, wedding photographer. Travel to exotic locations and manage guests while fulfilling the requests of Bridezilla and the all-new Groom-Kong. Tackle comedic disasters in this riotous Time Management game. Can Quinn keep her cool?

More information about this game

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7,
CPU: 1.2 GHz,
RAM: 256,
DirectX version: 7.0,
Hard Drive free space: 25 MB

Full version: unlimited levels and game time.
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