PC GamesGirls ● Fab Fashion

● Fab Fashion

Fab Fashion

Fab Fashion

The big show is here and Kate Masters has minutes to measure, cut, and sew her artistic designs before the models hit the runway!


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Fab Fashion is hours of fashion fun for everyone! The big show is coming up, and Kate Masters has minutes to measure, cut, and sew her artistic designs before the models hit the runway! Work your way up from small town seamstress to a couture superstar through 48 levels in eight unique cities. The amazing depth and endless design possibilities in this fast-paced game give it a unique edge you've got to see to believe!

More information about this game

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7,
CPU: 600 Mhz,
RAM: 256,
DirectX version: 8.0,
Hard Drive free space: 138 MB

Full version: unlimited levels and game time.
You can download free version of this game and play it 60 minutes for free by clicking "Download game " link below. If you will like it then you can register full version of this game without any limitations!

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0 #1 dharshiniruba 2015-01-02 15:10
it is a fantastic game i like it :lol: ;-)

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