PC GamesHidden Object ● Royal Trouble

● Royal Trouble

Royal Trouble

Royal Trouble

A great kidnapping! Princess Loreen and Prince Nathaniel are in danger! They need your guidance to depart from a mysterious dungeon.


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A great kidnapping! Princess Loreen and Prince Nathaniel are in danger! They need your guidance to depart from a mysterious dungeon. Dominate both characters and designate both of their inventories in Royal Trouble, an amazing fast-paced Hidden Object game! Maneuver treacherous locations, and depart from the kidnappers ante it is too late! Discipline Loreen and Nathaniel to work together in order to enlighten puzzles and turn up safety.

More information about this game

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7,
CPU: 1.0 GHz,
RAM: 512,
DirectX version: 8.0,
Hard Drive free space: 154 MB

Full version: unlimited levels and game time.
You can download free version of this game and play it 60 minutes for free by clicking "Download game " link below. If you will like it then you can register full version of this game without any limitations!

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0 #1 Alma 2013-01-10 14:27
this game is awsome i loved it from the first and so did my daughter 8 year old .Everithing beatiful and full of minigames so you dont get tired of it try it .

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