PC GamesSpace ● Star Defender 3

● Star Defender 3

Star Defender III

Star Defender 3

You will need your wit and reflexes to fend off the Insectus in this futuristic, speedy shooter!


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The Insectus are preparing to swarm again! Human forces are still weak  from the last battle.Now they have bigger bosses blocking your  way at every turn. Your newly  crafted wares and technology might be enough to destroy their last stronghold but you will need to use your speedy reflexes to get the upper hand!

More information about this game

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7,
CPU: 600 Mhz,
RAM: 128,
DirectX version: 6.0,
Hard Drive free space: 33 MB

Full version: unlimited levels and game time.
You can download free version of this game and play it 60 minutes for free by clicking "Download game " link below. If you will like it then you can register full version of this game without any limitations!

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0 #1 anikat 2011-07-07 00:46

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